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A Few Stories
2020 will go down in history as the most vilified year, the year that impacted all lives in one way…
The only way to change reality is to change perspective…
A couple days back, I woke with an intense headache — the likes of which I haven’t experienced before. For a moment…
Climb your way to happiness…one rock at a time.
I must have driven past the rock climbing wall at the YMCA a few hundred times, but not till yesterday…
A few days back we decided to replant our back garden.
I had a few palm trees that had been planted in small pots. Last couple years the trees stopped growing…
We learn more from our rights than from our wrongs!
This morning my husband and daughter were analyzing her golf game. I noticed that he asked her to tell him what…
We are disturbed not by things, but by the views we take of things.
Epictetus, The Encheiridion It’s interesting to watch one’s own ego in action. A few days back, I was having a…
Nothing lasts for ever — this too shall pass ..
I am one of those insomniacs who is easily disturbed with the slightest sound, movement or light, so I sleep…
The planet is healing and so should we … Please allow me to share a synopsis of something I read…
How to handle slander and gossip
A few days ago, one of my friends asked me a question, and I could not answer her right away.…
It’s not just somewhere it’s everywhere. It’s not them, it’s all of us ..
Last year when my friends and family from overseas would ask me about the violence and protests in Hongkong, I…
Maybe living in joy and authenticity is the very purpose of life?
A couple of days ago I experienced a serious bout of Existential Angst. Woke up feeling rather inadequate and unfulfilled.…
Life lessons learnt from watching my daughter play golf ..
For the last 4 years every year from the 30 th of July to the 2 nd of August ,…