

The planet is healing and so should we …

Please allow me to share a synopsis of something I read which I feel is very apt in these times of fear and anxiety.

The story goes as such-:

While meditating late one night, a certain Saint saw the ghost of the dreaded smallpox disease entering the village where he lived. “Stop Mr Ghost” he cried. “Go away you must not molest a town in which I worship God.”

“I will take only three people”, the ghost replied “in accordance with my cosmic karmic duty”.

At this the saint unhappily nodded assent.

The following day three people died of smallpox, but the next day several more died and each day thereafter more villagers were overcome by the dreaded disease. Thinking that a great deception has been played on him, the Saint meditated deeply and summoned the ghost.

When it came the saint rebuked it.

“Mr Ghost, you deceived me and did not speak the truth when you said you. will take only three people with your smallpox.”

The ghost replied, “I did speak the. truth to you.” The saint persisted, “You promised to take only three persons, and scores have succumbed to the disease.”

“I took only three” said the ghost. “The rest killed themselves with fear.”

There is a lot of fear and anxiety around and there is much justification for feeling this way. However we all know that fear and worry release cortisol in the blood steam which lowers immunity which leads to different illnesses. It is paramount that we keep our immune systems strong and not fall prey to mass hysteria. I too have fallen prey to the fear and anxiety and every sneeze and cough put me in a tizzy and I started looking for symptoms of Covid 19. Thankfully better sense prevailed and I managed to pull myself out of the doom and gloom scenario and upped the precautions and took corrective measures ..

The seeds of fear and anxiety. are deep rooted within our subconscious and the smallest of triggers brings them to our consciousness and starts the vicious cycle of dread and anxiety. To break this cycle, think thoughts of wellness instead of illness. Yes this virus is something that we have not encountered before, but all of us have faced many adversities and have come through.

I personally do the following and it seems to help.

  1. Inhale and exhale deeply, slowly, and rhythmically several times, relaxing with each exhalation.

2. Tense your body and direct the life energy to the entire body or any body part that you want to send energy to. Feel the energy vibrating there. Relax and feel the soothing tingle and vitality in the recharged area

3. Sit in silence for a few minutes and visualize a healthy body surrounded by a protective sheath of colour of your choice. I generally think white egg shell.

4. Send yourself and those around you thoughts of health and well being. Following that, think of some happy incident; dwell on it and visualize it; mentally go through a pleasant experience over and over again.

5. Feel the peace, the freedom, the increased awareness that comes with the calmness produced by the practice of this technique.

We are all in this together and together we shall overcome.

Stay safe and stay healthy ..