
The only way to change reality is to change perspective…

A couple days back, I woke with an intense headache — the likes of which I haven’t experienced before.

For a moment I thought I was getting a stroke. I did the stroke protocol, stuck my tongue out, raised both my arms, smiled. Fortunately I could stick out my tongue and contort my face, so I relaxed into the knowing that I was not. having a stroke.

The headache however was excruciating and I could not get my head around it ( pun intended).

Many. are feeling intense pains and intense emotions these days. The outside world is in a turmoil, so it’s no surprise that our bodies and our emotions are experiencing distress.

Along with the obvious slowing down of the planet due to Covid there is also a major shift in the Earth’s vibrational frequency. According to ‘new age’ publications, Earth is moving from a very dense 3 dimensional reality to a more fluid 5 dimensional reality.

What does this mean ?

It means that we are moving from an individualistic, ego driven, closed way of being towards a more egalitarian, connected and compassionate way of being. ( it may not seem like it is but never have 7 billion people been impacted all together).

A shift is surely happening and has been in the works since 2012. The world as we know is shifting and we are amidst this transformation.

If you are experiencing pain, fear, insecurity, anger and helplessness. know that you are not alone. Many are feeling this way.

There is a sense of lack of control and research shows that lack of control leads to distress and unhappiness.

Current circumstances are such that we have no control over the outside circumstances but we surely can control our thoughts, feelings and emotions.

If you are feeling overwhelmed with what is happening, take a moment to pause. Know that you are not alone. We are all in this together and only the collective consciousness can break the cycle of heaviness and helplessness.

The first place to start is with yourself.

Stop doing what ever you are and focus on your breath. If you are breathing without difficulty, it’s already a good sign. Now. bring your attention to something pleasant, a pleasant memory, a pleasant sound, a walk in nature, anything that makes you feel good in the moment.

Stay with this feeling for a few minutes. By doing this you put a spanner in the barrage of negative thoughts. Do this often.

To get back to my excruciating headache. It was 4 am which I have been told is the best time for meditating. For a few months I have been waking up at 4.00, 4.01, 4.02, 4.03 am. Every morning I look at the time and go right back to sleep.

This morning I could not go back to sleep due to the pain, so I decided to get up and go to the roof top of my house and lo and behold, the sight I saw was pure bliss. Every star was visible in the sky and it was like a dream. I have never seen Hongkong skies look this stunning. For a moment I forgot about the headache and got completely mesmerized by the beauty of the sky.

Sadly the headache did not go away and I came back to bed and. bathed myself in pak fa YAU and took a paracetamol. I even went and saw a doctor to rule out anything insidious lurking in the guise of a headache.

Fortunately all seemed fine.

My conclusion on the headache and some learnings 🙂

The earth’s vibration is shifting and many are being pushed to ‘ wake up’ to the new reality. Metamorphosis is painful.

Higher powers have been trying to wake me up at 4 am but I have been ignoring the call. Then I get slapped hard across the face 😉

Even through very painful events we can see beauty if we look for it. I believe I was woken up just to see the gorgeous sky ..

Appreciate even the smallest of things that is going well and use that as a life line to pull yourself up.

Nothing lasts. for ever. The headache (although excruciating) came and went. The sky was not the same the next morning, it was misty and no stars were visible. The bad and the good are both transitory.

So my dearest friends, ride the wave and know that everything passes. No amount of wishing or praying will change the reality. The only thing you can change is how you face the reality and how you respond.

In the words of Byron Katie, “If you want your reality to be different than ‘what is’ then you might as well try to teach your cat to bark. You can try and try and in the end the cat will look up at you and say ‘Meow’. Wanting your reality to be different than what it is in this moment, is just as hopeless. You can spend the rest of your life trying to teach your cat to bark.”